
Looking for a puppy?

Remember, you are not only buying a Vizsla puppy, you are buying a breeder. You want that breeder to be reputable and someone with whom you have a good rapport. A breeder’s inquiries might seem intrusive to people going through the process for the first time, but you are asked these questions out of proper diligence. An ethical breeder commits themselves to the health and well-being of their pups for the lifetime of the dogs. Please be prepared to answer some of the following questions during the interview process to see how the breed matches up to your lifestyle:

  • Exercise

    How will you exercise a high-energy Vizsla? This is not a leash-walk-around-the-block breed of dog. But also keep in mind, no forced running for this breed until 2+ years old to allow for proper growth plate closure. 

    Finding places to run your Vizsla safely off-leash can be time consuming, are you up for it?

  • Training and Socialization

    Vizslas need a family who can outsmart them, are you familiar with positive training methods? Vizslas also need intensive socialization to the world (especially as puppies) and throughout their entire lives, do you have a plan for lifelong socialization? Hint: This does not mean going to dog parks.

  • Neediness

    Vizsla puppyhood goes until age 3 years old, how will you accommodate a dog who needs a lot of supervision? Hint: Crate training and secure fencing is required for this breed.

Moonlight Vizslas is located in coastal Southern California, and got its start near Moonlight Beach in Encinitas (30 miles north of San Diego). Preference will be given to in-state homes, but we will consider those willing to travel to California to pick up their puppy in-person. We do not ship via cargo or flight nannies.

We are happy to discuss the breed and answer any questions you may have, including offering referrals to other reputable breeders across the US.

Please use the below form to send us an email.

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